Ровно спустя 8 лет Билли Бёрк выпустил свой второй альмбом -
The Underkill. Послушать можно
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UPD На своей странице в ФБ Билли написал "сопроводиловку", очень душевно получилось. Особенно касательно названий песен.
читать дальшеI have no reason or excuse for submitting this Rock and Roll reverie to the public. I just like it. It makes me feel good. Its quite possible that I may well be the only one it speaks to. However, just incase it finds others who might glean some familiarity and pleasure from it, I offer it to all free of any charge. (If you wish to purchase and download the album in it’s entirety from an outlet that does require payment ie iTunes, Amazon etc, those proceeds will go to @aclu)
Rock and Roll has shaped and defined my life more profoundly than any other cultural influence ever will. It is my belief that anyone alive today has at least a little bit of Rock and Roll in them and no matter what beliefs or differences we may want to hold onto, we all crave some commonality. We all serve something. No matter what it is that you believe you serve, ultimately what we all must serve is each other. If its true that Love is the only language we all share, I contend that music is Love’s champion ambassador and Rock and Roll it’s jack of all trades.
With these songs, I wish nothing more than to proffer a wink and a nod to all who concede that whether you view life as a constant party, a relentless beat down or like most of us, some mystifying place in between... this life is what we’ve got. It is both kind and cruel. It is endlessly abundant but owes us no favors... and like Rock and Roll it will never die. Life will indeed, go on.
So as long as you’re here in the kitchen don’t forget about the rest of us. Go ahead and dish out some of whatever you’ve got cookin’ once in awhile. Serve something.
When you’re riding high, remember how it felt when you had A View From The Bottom.
Realize that there’s Always Trouble in the way.
Give In To Reason.
If you choose never to back down, pray for The Underkill.
If you’re ever caught in Austin Alone, surrender.
Walk a half a mile in someone else’s shoes into a Sunset On A Dirty Road.
Live fearlessly in pursuit of your Possibilities.
Be grateful every time you’re The Lucky One.
Know that you are never really Down To Nothing.
When the day is done, take everything you have left to give, send it out on the Last Evening Wire... and may no one worry about you tonight.
Господи, я сегодня точно везде опоздаю
Да блин, когда я уже наделаю хоть каких-нибудь аватарок с Билли?!
Кстати, аватарка с Хью с той фотки, которая у тебя, у меня тоже когда-то была, только в черно-белом варианте
Я сегодня подумала то же самое, это ж минутное дело. Но Билли у меня ассоциируется почему-то четко с гифками.
А Мак - да, запросто наделал бы, это ж Мак